Writing Resources Instructors
About Us

LabWrite is an instructional project originating from North Carolina State University and sponsored by the National Science Foundation (DUE-9950405 and DUE-0231086). The LabWrite website is freely available for use. If you use any part of the website separately, please acknowledge the source. Copyright holder is NC State University.

LabWrite Development Team:

Michael Carter, Ph.D., Science Communication, Dept. of English
Eric N. Wiebe, Ph.D., Graphic Communications Program, Dept. of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
Miriam Ferzli, Ph.D., Science Education, Dept. of Biological Sciences

Original Web Designer: Rosa Wallace

LabWrite 2.0 Team Additions:

David Tredwell, DELTA
Rebecca Sanchez, Ph.D., DELTA
Paul Couture, DELTA
Donnie Wrights, DELTA
Téa Blumer, DELTA