Constitution of NCSU Disc Golf Club

Article I­ Name and Purpose of the Organization

Section 1: Name

The Disc Golf Club At North Carolina State University

Section 2: Purpose and Objectives

The North Carolina State University Disc Golf Club welcomes all students interested in learning and
understanding the sport of disc golf. We gladly accept everyone at any skill level and if you are
interested in competitive play, we plan to attend Collegiate tournaments throughout the Academic Year.
Whether you're new to the sport of a seasoned veteran, there's no judgment here! The club will partake
in organizing tournaments, on and off­campus fundraising, hosting clinics and have weekly practices.

Section 3: Non-­Discrimination Policy

The NCSU Disc Golf Club will not tolerate discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex,
national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Any member which violates this
policy will be automatically released from membership from the Disc Golf Club.

Article II­ Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership

Section 1: Definition of Membership

Membership may be acquired by paying dues when joining the Disc Golf Club. Only members that are
current NCSU students have the right to vote. Other members, such as faculty, professionals, alumni
and non­NCSU affiliated individuals will be considered Associate members.

Section 2: Acquiring Membership

The amount for dues will be voted upon and discussed at the beginning of the year by the Executive
Board. An individual may acquire membership by paying dues upon joining the Disc Golf Club. Dues
will be paid by the first 30 days of the Fall Semester if an individual is a continuing member.
Membership includes the Fall, Spring and Summer semester of that Academic Year. In order to
continue as a member of the Disc Golf Club after the Summer semester has finished, individuals must

contact an Executive Board member in order to keep them active on the email listserv and Facebook
group. If a member decides to resign from the Disc Golf club, they must contact an Executive Board
member in order to remove them from the email listserv and Facebook group.

Article III­ Organization Leadership: Titles, terms and duties of the leaders

Term Length:

All Officers will be voted upon by the members of the Disc Golf Club on the second week of April by
majority rule. Candidates will be nominated two weeks prior to voting by active members of the Disc
Golf Club. Terms will commence the first day of June until the last day of May the following year.

Officer 1: President


Officer 2: Vice President


Officer 3: Treasurer


Officer 4: Secretary


Article IV­ Method of Removing Officers and Members

Section 1: Expectation of Members

Members are expected to attend bi­weekly meetings/clinics, attend at least 2 practices per month, and
partake in the Club’s events. Executive Board members are expected to follow and execute their duties
as stated in the Constitution, as well as fulfill the expectation of members. Members and Executive
Board members will have up to 3 warnings if they do not fulfill any of their expectations until proper
probationary/removal procedures take place. A warning may or may not be assigned after the Executive
Board discusses and evaluates the member’s excuse.

Section 2: Procedures for Probation/Removal

Probation will ONLY take place for members who reach their 3 warnings. Probation duration will last
for 8 weeks. After a member has been on probation, their next 3 warnings will result in a discussion for
removal from the Disc Golf Club.

Removal of any member (including Executive Board) will be reviewed by the Executive Board and
voted upon by majority rule. No member may be removed if the circumstances coincide with the
Non­Discrimination Policy in Article I Section 3.

Article V­ Required Meetings/Clinics and Practices

Members are required to attend bi­weekly general body meetings/clinics, weekly practices and partake
in at least 2 events of the Disc Golf Club per semester.
Executive Board members are required to attend bi­weekly Executive Board meetings and fulfil the
requirements of members.

Article VI­ Method of Amending Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution will first have to be proposed by members in the first two meetings of
each semester. Proposals must be written and proposed in general body meetings. A two­thirds
majority is required in order for the proposal to become approved.

Article VII­ Method of Dissolution of Organization

Dissolution of the Disc Golf Club will first start with the distribution of assets and debts upon Executive
Board members. An investigation of any debt of the Club will take hold and the Executive Board will
have a majority vote upon whom is to pay for the debt. Assets will be distributed to the Executive
Board members by majority vote or raffle. Remaining funds will be equally distributed to the Executive
Board members.

Last Constitution Revision Date “Revised by Executive Committee: 5/20/2014”